Made possible by a gift from Dr. Willard Marmelzat

Dr. Willard Marmelzat was introduced to the history of medicine as a student at Tulane University. By the time he had finished his studies, he had obtained a degree in medicine with a specialty in dermatology; published Musical Sons of Aesculapius, a book about physicians who were also prominent musicians; and earned Tulane's Rudolph Matas Award for excellence in the history of medicine. Soon after, he left his hometown of New Orleans to pursue a career in dermatology, ultimately settling in Los Angeles, but he took with him what would develop into a lifelong passion for ancient medicine and the history of dermatology. As Dr. Marmelzat's practice flourished, so did his intellectual pursuits. He lectured worldwide and taught, published, and delivered papers on advances in dermatology as well as its history and on ancient medicine. Throughout his long and distinguished career, he recognized the great rewards and knowledge that can be gained through exposure to ancient medicine, its practitioners and early studies of dermatology. Dr. Marmelzat's enthusiasm and interest in these subjects lead him to establish endowments at the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, long valued and often visited by him for its wonderful special collections. This endowment provides invaluable support for the acquisition of materials on the history of medicine and dermatology.

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Bookplate with an illustration of ancient doctors speaking to each other and text that reads the name of the endowment

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