Made possible by a gift from Kaiser Permanente

As a non-profit health care organization with a commitment to community service, Kaiser Permanente carries out its social mission in a variety of ways that benefit the community. It educates the physicians and nurses of tomorrow, conducts clinical research that helps improve the lives of all Californians, forms partnerships with its neighbors to address local community needs, and directly provides medical services to those with limited resources. With this collection endowment the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program is making an investment in the vital role the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library plays in educating medical practitioners at the university and throughout the community. Made upon the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Biomedical Library, the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program Collection Endowment makes possible the acquisition or licensing of multimedia software for the Instructional Microcomputing Facility and the acquisition or licensing of journals that are multidisciplinary in nature and that serve a diverse audience of health practitioners. Kaiser Permanente joins with the Biomedical Library in its efforts to ensure that the most reliable and up-to-date information is available to physicians, nurses, therapists and other health-care professionals.

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