Made possible by a gift from Bert Briskin and Jacqueline Briskin

Jacqueline Briskin began her rich and varied career as one of the world's most popular novelists with a UCLA Extension class in writing. With the support of her husband, Bert, as her literary agent, she wrote eleven best-selling novels set in locations ranging from historic California to occupied Paris to present-day Beverly Hills. It seemed a natural fit for a couple who loved books to support the UCLA Library, where Mrs. Briskin did research for all of her novels. Building upon the Briskins' past support for technology, computing and electronic resources, The Bert and Jacqueline Briskin Endowed Collection in Fiction provides critically needed funds to acquire, preserve and make accessible print materials that hopefully will inspire future generations of best-selling writers.

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Bookplate with an illustration of an ink pen tip that contains the initials "JB" and text that reads the name of the endowment

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