Made possible by a gift from Sammy Yukuan Lee
Born in 1902 in Shandong, China, Sammy Yukuan Lee is the youngest of five sons in a rural farming family. Armed with only a sixth-grade education, he was sent by his father to Beijing to learn a trade from the owner of an antique shop. In time, he became a world-renowned art dealer and scholar of Chinese antiquities, and has devoted his life to researching and writing about Chinese archaeology and art. His knowledge and experience with Chinese lacquer, blue and white porcelain, carpet, and furniture have been reflected in four books, a catalogue, and various articles and monographs. Throughout his life, Mr. Lee has emphasized the importance of education and encouraged his children to advance their education. In celebration of their father’s eightieth birthday in 1982, his five sons — King Tsi, King Hao (Howard), King Sum (Sam), King Kong and King Yang (John) — established and endowed the Sammy Yukuan Lee Foundation. The foundation promotes interest in and study of Chinese culture through an annual UCLA lecture series on Chinese archaeology and art and funds scholarships for students of Chinese descent who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishment and promise. In 2009, in honor of Mr. Lee’s 106th birthday, the families of his five sons created the Sammy Yukuan Lee Family Endowment for Chinese Archaeology and Culture at the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library for the acquisition of books and other materials pertaining to Chinese archaeology and culture.


李先生畢生強調教育的重要性,並鼓勵他的孩子們深造。他的五個兒子經澤, 經浩, 經深, 經港和經洋於1982年他們父親的80歲生日時,設立了李汝寬家族中國考古文化基金。該基金致力於中華文化的研究與推廣。一方面,其贊助了在加州大學洛杉磯分校舉辦的年度中國考古與藝術系列講座;另一方面,其為華裔學生提供資助,以表彰他們在各自領域中的杰出成就。2009年,為慶賀李先生106歲生日,他的五個兒子在加大洛杉磯分校東亞圖書館設立基金,以幫助圖書館搜集中國考古和文化的書籍與資料。

Translated into Chinese by Yinglei Yang 楊英蕾

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