Made possible by a gift from Hakka Foundation

Mr. John Jing Chien Jiang (1918-2012), a native of Beipu, Hsinchu, Taiwan, graduated from Taipei 2nd Normal University, now Taipei Normal College. After World War II, Mr. Jiang returned to his hometown to work in a rice mill and a small timber factory. Later, Mr. Jiang, passionate about painting, organized an art club in a school in Taipei and supplied art materials throughout Taiwan. After they launched the company, Mr. & Mrs. Jiang began to sell picture frames imported from Germany, France and Italy. They then established the Taiyi Wood Company to mass-produce picture frames and sell them to Europe, the United States and Japan.

Ms. Chun Mei Huang (1920-2012?), a native of Chikeping, Hsinchu, Taiwan, graduated from the Nursing College of National Taiwan University. After graduation, Mrs. Jiang returned to her hometown to teach for three years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jiang were passionate about education and generous philanthropists who made donations to various organizations for the betterment of society.

The Mr. & Mrs. Jiang Endowment supports the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library to develop and acquire materials related to Chinese cultural and Hakka heritage studies, focusing on resources pertaining to cultural exchanges between the East and West.

姜鏡泉先生(1918-2012), 台灣新竹北埔人, 畢業於臺北第二師範,現臺北師範學院。二戰後回到家鄉務農, 經營碾米廠和小型木材廠。 隨後夫婦二人在臺北的一所學校成立了藝術俱樂部, 並為台灣各地提供藝術用品。仁富相框廠有限公司成立後, 銷售來自德、法、意等國家的高檔相框。爾後姜先生伉儷成立泰億木業公司, 提供一站式服務, 生産大量精美相框, 遠銷歐美日等地。

姜黃春梅女士(1920-2012?), 出生於台灣新竹赤科坪, 畢業於台灣大學護理學院。畢業後黃女士回鄉執教三年。 姜先生和黃女士都熱衷於教育事業, 是慷慨的慈善家, 為各種組織捐款, 不僅造福社區, 也促進社會發展。

姜鏡泉姜黃春梅伉儷的館藏基金將支持東亞圖書館購買有關中華文化和客家文化遺產研究資料, 購買重點是東西方文化交流方面的圖書及資源。

In Memory of Mr. John Jing Chein Jiang and Mrs. Chun Mei Huang Jiang, the Major Benefactors of the Hakka Foundation


Mission of Hakka Foundation 客家基金會使命

Mr. & Mrs. Jiang donated their life savings to the Hakka Foundation. The savings are like the accumulated snow on the mountaintop. It needs our warm hearts to melt it for life.

姜鏡泉黃春梅伉儷將畢生積蓄捐贈客家基金會, 他們捐獻的財富有如高山積雪, 需要大家用畢生暖心來融化它。

Hakka Spring 客家春泉

As winter turns into warm spring, snow melts into water
The water trickles down into streams and rivers​

Further down into lakes and oceans​​​
Its freshness and purity brings life wherever it flows
Our mission is refresh and revitalize
The community like the spring water


See all items purchased through this Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Jiang seated outside in chairs with a leafy background.

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