Made possible by a gift from Gary E. Strong and Carolyn J. Strong

Gary Strong became the seventh UCLA university librarian in 2003. His previous service as state librarian of California and director of the Queens Borough Public Library instilled in him the importance of building collections, programs, and services that address both current and future public needs. The Gary E. and Carolyn J. Strong Endowment is intended to provide discretionary funds for university librarians to allocate to the greatest needs of the UCLA Library. Given Mr. Strong’s passion for building collections, he hopes that priority consideration will be given to signature purchases that enhance scholarship and the creation of new knowledge. The bookplate design is inspired by Joseph D’Ambrosio and features a stylized California poppy.

The poppy was originally used as a printer’s ornament for a prospectus published during the 150th anniversary celebration of the California State Library in 2000. Mr. D’Ambrosio has also used the design in a bookplate created for Mr. Strong’s personal collection. Mr. and Mrs. Strong established this endowment to celebrate his 65th birthday and to demonstrate their belief in the essential role the UCLA Library plays in supporting the university’s mission. The Strongs understand that great universities are made possible by correspondingly great research libraries, and they hope this endowment will serve as an inspiration to others who share their passion for the Library.

See all items purchased through this Endowment
Bookplate with an illustration of a poppy and text reading the name of the endowment

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