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Drawn to Paradise — Jewish Musicians in Los Angeles

Exhibition recommended by Music Librarian Matthew Vest

Matthew says: "Drawn to Paradise is a UCLA Music Library exhibition. It highlights prominent and little-known Jewish musicians who made important contributions to musical and cultural life in Los Angeles. Find it outside the Music Library in Schoenberg Hall, or view the online exhibition(opens in a new tab)."

The Lost Shtetl by Max Gross

Book recommended by Library Special Collections Curatorial Assistant Molly Hemphill

Molly says: "I really enjoyed this captivating glimpse into the 'what if' when a shtetl (small Jewish town) in Poland cuts off contact from the rest of the world. The nuances of the experiences of the town's people who encounter modern politics and society, as well as the two people who venture into modern-day Poland, offers up magical realism that comments on the history of Jewish people in Europe and how that can be meaningful for Jews today."

Read The Lost Shtetl in UC Library Search(opens in a new tab).

Jewish Ancestral Healing by Taya Mâ Shere

Podcast recommended by Visual Designer Dianne Weinthal

Creator's Description: "Jewish Ancestral Healing teacher and practitioner Taya Mâ Shere engages spiritual leaders, artists, activists and visionaries on their journeys of ancestral healing, embracing resilience, as well as ancestor reverence practices rooted in Jewish traditions and counter-oppressive devotion. May this offering be a portal of connection, that we may root in positive resource, remember ancient ways, reclaim and innovate new possibilities and be deeply nourished by the well of our loving and wise ancestors."

Listen to the podcast on the Jewish Ancestral Healing website(opens in a new tab).

Indecent by Paula Vogel

Play recommended by Arts Librarian Diana King

Diana says: "Paula Vogel's 2017 play was inspired by the true events surrounding the controversial 1923 Broadway debut of Sholem Asch’s God of Vengeance—a work seen by some as a major work of Jewish culture, and by others as an act of scandalous libel for its onstage depiction of a romantic affair between two women. Indecent dramatizes the history of the play and the path of the artists who risked their careers and lives to perform it."

Learn more about the play on Wikipedia(opens in a new tab).

Yiddish Glory: The Lost Songs of World War II

Recommended by Law Library Reference Librarian Eli Edwards

Eli says: “Modern performances of songs written during WWII by Jewish soldiers, refugees, ghetto survivors, etc. but were lost and considered destroyed for decades.”

Learn more at the Yiddish Glory website(opens in a new tab).