Made possible by a gift from The Friends of UCLA Armenian Language and Culture Studies

The Friends of UCLA Armenian Language and Culture Studies Collection Endowment was established to support the acquisition, preservation and processing of materials related to Armenian language and culture in the UCLA Library. The Friends of UCLA Armenian Language and Culture Studies was established in 1998 in the Department of History. Its mission, in conjunction with the UCLA Narekatsi Chair of Armenian Studies, is to foster the advancement of Armenian studies in language, literature, and culture by supporting research in the field and helping to organize conferences, seminars, exhibits, workshops, symposia, meetings, and other related projects. Members of the Friends also assist in the production, collection, maintenance, cataloging and distribution of publications and other materials in all media formats. They provide financial support, outreach to the public and assistance in expanding course offerings. The Friends understand that by supporting the Library, they are providing resources for students, faculty and scholars in the area of Armenian studies and advancing the growing field of Armenology at the university.

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Bookplate with an image of a coin and text reading the name of the endowment

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