Made possible by a gift from Kenneth Karmiole

Kenneth Karmiole first became interested in books when, as an undergraduate at UC Santa Barbara, he helped out in a used book store. He earned his master’s degree in library and information science from UCLA in 1971, with an emphasis on rare books and manuscripts. Upon graduation, he went directly into the book trade and, in 1976, he established his own antiquarian book business, Kenneth Karmiole, Bookseller, Inc., which continues today in Santa Monica. Over the years,Mr. Karmiole has developed a close relationship with the Charles E. Young Research Library, and determined to offer some assistance in providing funds for the purchase of rare books. In 2006, he established the Kenneth Karmiole Endowment for Rare Books and Manuscripts. It helps the UCLA Library continue to acquire needed materials for special collections, at the discretion of the university librarian.

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Bookplate with an illustration of a man writing a book and text reading the name of the endowment

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