2020-2021 UCLA Library Impact Report: COVID Response

Illustration of Ginny Steel

It's no coincidence that the top universities in the nation are also home to its top academic libraries, including UCLA and UCLA Library. You can't have one without the other. So when the pandemic hit, UCLA Library struck back, ramping up remote services that kept knowledge moving forward. This report is designed to make visible the work of our Library community, whether by Zoom, from a home office, or in-person at one of our eight campus locations. While none of us can predict what the future holds, one thing is certain: the pandemic has revealed how vital the work of UCLA Library is to the life of the university, our students, faculty and researchers around the world.

Virginia Steel, Norman and Armena Powell University Librarian

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Remote Learning by the Numbers: Data from March 2020 through September 2021

  • 3,958,321
    HathiTrust Partnership
    Pages Viewed Through HathiTrust Digital Library to Support Collections Access
  • 6,059
    Virtual Research Consultations
    One-on-one Appointments with Librarians and Staff to Advance UCLA Research
  • 2,902
    Device Loans
    Laptop, Tablet, Hotspot Loans — Picked Up on Campus or Shipped to Users' Residences
  • 5,402
    Campus Pickup
    Books and Other Physical Materials Picked Up by Users at Charles E. Young Research Library
  • 2,220
    Mail Delivery
    Items Shipped to Users' Residences
  • 2,280
    Digital Delivery
    Book Chapters and Journal Articles Scanned and Delivered Digitally

2020-21: An Academic Year Like No Other


Project Leads Ariane Bicho, Director of Library Communications and Marketing; Joshua Gomez, Head of Software Development and Library Systems Illustrations and Animation Brett Affrunti(opens in a new tab) Feature Writer Cynthia Lee Contributing Writers Ben Alkaly, Courtney Hoffner, Jennifer Rhee Photo Editors Ben Alkaly, Jennifer Rhee Editorial and Research Contributors Suzy Lee, Marisa Soto Lead Developer Parinita Mulak Developers Jen Diamond, Casey Grzecka, Ashton Prigge, Andrew Wallace Lead UX Designer Axa Liauw UX Designer Dianne Weinthal Data Services Dana Peterman, Jack Schwada, Sharon Shafer Graphic Design Sean Deyoe Student Assistants Dana Binfet, Marley Rodriguez