Made possible by a gift from Yong Chen Chu

Yong Chen Chu was a young assistant to UCLA Professor Richard C. Rudolph when Professor Rudolph embarked on his extensive book-buying trip to China in 1948. Professor Chu eagerly awaited Professor Rudolph's shipments and was among the first to receive the newly purchased volumes, which included original woodblock-printed books. Professor Chu carefully cataloged and processed the texts, making them available to students, faculty, and scholars and helping to create the core of the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library. Professor Chu went on to a distinguished, 41-year career on the faculty of the UCLA Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, but he never lost his commitment to the collection that formed the foundation of the East Asian Library. To continue to build upon and enhance the library's collections, Professor Chu established The Yong Chen Chu Endowed Fund in support of Chinese Language and Culture.


在加州大學洛杉磯分校東亞語言及文化系,朱教授度過了他四十一年杰出的職業生涯。但他一直心系東亞圖書館及館藏,為繼續建立和擴充館藏以支持中國語言及文化研究, 朱教授建立了朱永琛中國文化基金。

Translated into Chinese by Yinglei Yang 楊英蕾

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