Made possible by a gift from May Chen and Dr. Tom Lo

California became a state in 1850, and the census taken that year revealed two Chinese residents in Los Angeles. In the ensuing years the population of Chinese Americans grew rapidly, and their countless contributions to the local economy set the region on a path to its current status as a gateway to the Pacific Rim. Today, more than 500,000 Chinese Americans call Southern California home.

The Southern California Foundation for the Preservation of Chinese Literature and History INC. Endowment supports collecting, organizing, preserving, and providing access to materials that explore the history and literature of Chinese Americans in Southern California. Its acquisitions may be housed in the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library or UCLA Library Special Collections and will be available for use by UCLA students, faculty, and staff as well as by researchers from around the country and world and interested members of the public.

In establishing this endowment, its creators, Ms. May Chen and Dr. Tom Lo, invite contributions by individuals and organizations from throughout Southern California who share an interest in preserving the legacy of Chinese Americans. This pattern of wide participation makes the endowment a true community effort and honors the memory of all those whose history its contents record.

The Endowment was established by Ms. May Chen and Dr. Tom Lo in 2017. Dr. Evans Lam has augmented the endowment through his generous support.


1850年,加利福尼亞正式成為美國的一個州,同年,其人口普查顯示, 在洛杉磯居住著兩名來自中國的移民。在隨後的幾年中,南加華人人口迅速增長。他們對當地經濟的無數貢獻使該地區成為通往太平洋沿岸各地區的門戶。今天,有超過五十萬華人居住在南加州。

南加華人文史保存基金會館藏發展基金的设立,旨在支持UCLA東亞圖書館的收集、整理、和保存南加華人的歷史和文獻資料, 无论史料藏在東亞圖書館或是图书馆特藏部,其目的都是为广大UCLA的学生、教職員工、及來自全國和世界各地的研究人員和有興趣的公眾能够充分地、无偿地利用所收集的珍贵史料。


Translated into Chinese by Xingyu Pan 潘星宇

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