Made possible by a gift from Ardis Lodge

A graduate of the University of California, Berkeley Library School, Ardis Lodge worked in the Reference Department of the then-named University Research Library from 1933 to 1967 and influenced every aspect of its development into one of the country's most outstanding reference departments. In 1960 Ms. Lodge became department head and supervised the department's move into the new Research Library building. Ms. Lodge passed away in 1989, but her influence on the department continues with a bequest that she established to create an endowment for acquisitions, equipment, user services, staff development and other needs. Her sister, Constance, a UCLA graduate and professional librarian, also made a bequest which augmented the Ardis Lodge Memorial Fund for the Reference Collection.

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Bookplate with an illustration of Powell Library and text reading, "In memory of Ardis Lodge; University of California at Los Angeles"

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